Saturday, February 6, 2010


A drew his first 'scene' today. We have had lots of individual people, trees, animals and other items, but they have always been standing alone. Today A drew a picture of "people taking a swim". His people have heads, faces, hair, legs, arms and big smiles "because they are happy swimming" apparently the picture is of no one in particular, "just people"

I find it interesting looking at his artwork as it says a lot about his personality. He isnt much of a color user, unless painting. No matter how many colors he has at his disposal. He pretty much went straight into drawing representational drawings after a brief time scribbling. He loves drawing now but when he was really little he wasnt too interested or only liked us to draw pictures for him. This seems to be his way of tackling new things. He watches and waits until he can do it to his satisfaction. A bit of a perfectionist.


  1. I think that is really amazing.

  2. Thanks PMK! Not that I had anything to do with it. :-) I thought it was really cool, he constantly amazes me.
