Friday, February 5, 2010

Toddler Civil Engineering & Music

Due to being sick the last couple of days we havent done much at all... but that is alright. Children do their best learning through play, and with this in mind its easy to just sit back and watch what they come up with themselves.

Its summer, and HOT so we have been either hibernating inside or doing lots of playing with water and the sand pit. I added food coloring to the water as well as some dish soap, just to make it a bit more interesting. A used egg beaters to make the bubbles and spent ages mixing the colors until it was all just brown. He has also spent time digging in his sandpit, hiding toys, making towers and channels for his cars to drive down.

We have also spent a bit of time in the play room out of the heat. A is interested in building "cities" at the moment. Its also a mission to build a tower as tall as he is.

We have reintroduced music too. We started learning the Ukulele and then got busy with other things, so we talked about what the parts of the instrument were called and how to treat an instrument with respect. I was very impressed that he had remembered what most of the parts were called. It has been a few months.

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