Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Red Light, Green Light

Its been a busy day with a playdate and visit from Nana, so havent done too much in the way of projects. We played a great game of Red Light, Green Light though. A has recently realized that cars have to stop when the light is red and go on green. We have had lots of discussions while out walking about how to cross with the 'green man' and that seems all fine and dandy, but the idea of the cars having to stop too seems to intrigue him. So while he was walking around I just said "red light!" he said "what are you saying to me Mum?" and I said, "The light is red, you have to STOP!". He LOVED the game and we played it for quite a while this afternoon. I can tell that its going to be a favorite.

1 comment:

  1. We love that game in our house too. Monster has been shouting "green light", "red light" when we're driving for a while now.
