Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well, for anyone who follows me I am sorry for the absence.. What can I say? Sometimes life with a two year old and a non-sleeping baby doesnt leave much room for anything else. Since my leave taking I have been doing some thinking.

I truly think that part of being a great parent is constantly reevaluating your parameters. Questioning your beliefs & being brave enough to admit that you're on the wrong path.... I have come to a realization over the last few months. I have been WAY over thinking this whole homeschooling thing. I have already posted about my need for further deschooling and I think that I have been making some huge leaps since my last post. I have been thinking, planing (or not planing!), listening, reading, researching and generally overhauling my entire philosophy. Heavy stuff!

Bottom line? Even the title of this blog is wrong. Wrong, wrong, WRONG! I no longer 'teach' my children. My children teach themselves. I look back through the posts on here and while I know that my heart was in the right place I now feel in my gut that what I was doing with all of my little projects is in total opposition of what I was trying to achieve as an unschooler. Alright, a tad mellow dramatic perhaps. I have really made headway with my thinking though and am in a totally different head space than I was when I started this blog - a lot can happen in a short space of time obviously!

So I have been thinking that its time to put this one to bed. To start afresh and begin a new journey. I dont want to get rid of this blog as I think it shows interesting beginnings and will be fun to look back on one day... but I dont think that it will be appropriate to continue with my feelings and ideas as they are at the moment.... SO I AM MOVING! :-) hehe! Feels very exciting actually. I have been putting off doing this as I kind of feel like this blog has been a waste of my time and other peoples. I know that in a way I needed to do this in order to work my head out and find who I truly am as a mother and as a homeschooling parent. I have needed that down time and it didnt feel right to be blogging while I was still so up in the air myself. I now feel like I have a direction. I feel settled and grounded and....happy

So adieu Teaching My Gnomes - thank you for being the catalyst. If your interested, please check me out at

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested. I shall follow you.
    Good luck!
